FAO releases report analyzing government’s 2018-19 expenditure estimates


TORONTO, February 26, 2019 – The Financial Accountability Office of Ontario (FAO) has just released Expenditure Estimates: A Review of Ontario’s Proposed Spending Requirements for the 2018-19 Supply Bill.

The Expenditure Estimates set out the fiscal year’s spending requirements for ministries and legislative offices and constitute the government’s formal request to the legislature for approval. After reviewing the Estimates, MPPs approve the government’s spending request through passage of the annual Supply Bill.

The FAO’s report identifies key issues for the 2018-19 year, including how the 2018-19 Expenditure Estimates compares to the government’s spending plan in the 2018 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review. The report also reviews the largest programs funded through the Supply Bill and identifies spending trends and recent developments.

Read more here.


For further information or to arrange interviews, please contact: 

Kismet Baun l (416) 254-9232 kbaun@fao-on.org l fao-on.org