- March 11, 2020The report provides a forecast of Ontario’s economy and fiscal position through 2050, based on current fiscal policies.
- February 19, 2020The report provides details on the oversight, growth and distribution of tax expenditures in Ontario.
- December 9, 2019This report is an update on Ontario’s economic and budget outlook. The FAO projects Ontario’s budget deficit will increase to $8.5 billion in 2019-20, up from $7.4 billion last year.
- November 14, 2019This report supports the Standing Committee on Estimates’ review of the Ministry of Transportation’s 2019-20 Expenditure Estimates.
- October 30, 2019This report looks at the waitlist for a long-term care bed in Ontario which reached nearly 35,000 individuals in 2018-19, a 78 per cent increase from 2011-12.
- September 26, 2019This report supports the Standing Committee on Estimates’ review of the Ministry of Education’s 2019-20 Expenditure Estimates.
- September 24, 2019The report assesses the financial and economic implications of the government’s new childcare tax credit: the ‘Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses’ or ‘CARE’ tax credit.
- May 27, 2019The purpose of the report is to assist members of the Standing Committee on Estimates as they review the 2019-20 Expenditure Estimates of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care starting on Tuesday, May 28.
- May 22, 2019Based on the FAO’s outlook for slower economic and revenue growth, and incorporating the government’s spending plans, the FAO projects Ontario’s budget deficit would decrease to $10.8 billion in 2019-20, down modestly from $11.7 billion in 2018-19.
- April 2, 2019This report compares the LIFT credit to a minimum wage increase.