Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does the FAO do?

    A: Ontario’s Financial Accountability Officer (FAO) provides the Legislative Assembly of Ontario with independent analysis on the state of the Province's finances and trends in the provincial economy, and on bills and other proposals to support the Assembly’s performance of its constitutional responsibility.

  • Is the FAO part of the government?

    A: The FAO is an independent officer of the Legislative Assembly. As such, the FAO is not part of the executive branch of government.

  • How is the FAO different from the Auditor General?

    A: There are similarities between the role and function of the Auditor General and the FAO. Both are independent officers of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, and provide financial analysis to Members. Broadly, the FAO tends to focus more on forward-looking analysis, while the Auditor General is primarily interested in the analysis of past events and transactions. The structure of the offices of the FAO and Auditor General also differs, reflecting the differing responsibilities and mandates of each officer.

  • Who can request analysis from the FAO?

    A: Under the Financial Accountability Officer Act, 2013, any member of the Legislative Assembly or Committee of the Legislative Assembly may request analysis from the FAO.

  • Can a member of the public request an analysis?

    A: Under the Financial Accountability Officer Act, 2013, any member of the Legislative Assembly or Committee of the Legislative Assembly may request analysis from the FAO. The FAO welcomes submissions of information from members of the public, but is not necessarily able to respond to such requests.

  • Does the FAO have to accept any request it receives from a Member or Committees of the Legislative Assembly?

    A: No. The Financial Accountability Officer Act, 2013, provides discretion to refuse requests from Members or Committees of the Legislative Assembly.

  • How can a Member or Committee of the Legislative Assembly request analysis from the FAO?

    A: Requests from Members or Committees should be addressed to the FAO. Committee requests are addressed through the Clerk of the committee to the Director of Operations, Victoria Coste

  • Does the FAO disclose the identity of Members or Committees of the Assembly who have requested analysis?

    A: No. The FAO will not disclose the identity of a Member or Committee that has requested analysis. However, nothing prohibits Members or Committees from revealing this information.

Have a question about the FAO? Connect with us at